If i do not need to open the carbs I would rather not.
and you may take all the guess's your heart desires brother
These are emission control carbs that run pretty lean, and anything that makes them run leaner (like pods or vacuum leaks) is going to cause flat spots and running issues. First thing I'd do is warm up the bike, let it idle, then spray carb cleaner at all of the carb-to-head rubber connectors. Those rubber connectors develop cracks and splits that are not easy to see but will create vacuum leaks and crap up the performance. It's also possible that the carb throats aren't fully seated in the connectors - they're
very difficult to get fully seated. Either way, the idle will change noticeably when the carb cleaner gets sucked into the leaking area.
There was a guy on this forum a while back with a problem similar to yours, and he kept swearing the carbs were fully seated in the connectors. Then he showed us a picture, and guess what? Just saying....
Carbs were just rebuilt and sync'd (not by me).
Either good or bad news, depending on how familiar the rebuilder is with these type carbs. Was this off-idle flat spot there before the rebuild? If yes, the slow jets/idle passages may be partially plugged. Those jets are pressed in, and most folks think they can't be removed. They can be, and it's necessary to insure they're clean. Did the rebuilder install the carbs and synch them on the running bike? If he only bench synched them, he may have done a good job, but maybe not. The synch needs to be adjusted after installation with the bike running.
Ill check the fuel being squirted in from the accelerator, thanks.
If you see a healthy squirt in all four carb throats, that's good. If not, the pump diaphragm could be defective, or either of the 2 pump check valves could be plugged. Also, there are brass orifices in the rubber hoses connecting the accelerator circuits of #1, 3, and 4 to the pump outlet on #2. If any are plugged, you'll see a good squirt into #2, but maybe not any in one or more of the other carbs. Bottom line, these carbs are great when they're right. But they're more complicated than the previous types and have more places where crud can go undetected if the cleaning isn't extremely thorough.
Good luck.