Not to mention grease in the sink.
hah, I was trying to figure out today how I was going to explain the ring of oil around the tub after I soak my cases post-sodablasting.
You must be young and new at this - I could explain that ring away without breaking a sweat. That's like coming home at 10:30 on a friday night a little tipsy. What I'm afraid of are those nights when you come home at Zero-dark-thirty stumbling drunk and smelling like somebody she don't like. Now that's a problem.
OK. On the self induced oil slick. First off I assume she who must be appeased was not home when you did this. It almost sounds funny to have to say it. Anyway, she's gone and you trash the place, and now you're looking for an excuse 'cause she's sure to come back home sooner or later and you haven't figured out any way to hide what you've done. That much is understood.
Now, if she finds out you stuck the engine in the bath tub, that's ain't gonna play well. You did it and the evidence is there (the oily ring) but at the moment all she knows is that there is an oily ring, she don't know it was your baboon-butt that suck an engine in there to get it that way. Now you want to come out of this in the best possible light, and I assume that if she if the vixen we suspect she appreciates a resourceful but clean man. You upright-walkers are funny like that. So what you need to do is somehow link the evidence that she is sure to find with the facts you wish to present no matter how preposterous the nexus may be. Any Republican can show you how to do this. Now if you are willing to actually lie to do this or not is up to you, but here's the story. You tell her that the ring in the tub came from you cleaning up (taking a bath) after a hard day disassembling, cleaning, and reassembling the engine out in the garage. She likes a guy who can do that kind of work and she likes a clean guy - two birds with one stone. You could even add some validity to this story by actually taking a bath, but that's optional.