I did not tighten the head gasket enough last winter on the 1005cc setup.
Only 25Nm, the MLS did not compress as it should which ended up in heavy oil consumption after some time.
Head and pistons really dirty. I took it all apart for cleaning and inspection if something has happened inside. Bores OK, roundness checked, only the MLS that I did not tighten as hard as before and must be tightened.
At the same time a friend had a setup of new JE 70 mm CR12.5:1 pistons I could buy for a good price. (Some years old used in a build but never started)
CycleX 74.5/69mm sleeves bought earlier when they had sale. Perfect for 70mm bore.
My friend has some CB750 parts so a good looking cylinder with small oil return holes to be used
My nearby shop got the Billet block with pistons to compare with to find a good verified compression.
The 70mm pistons are 0.5 mm lower on the outer edge than the JE 71.25mm from Dynoman. Billet block 84.5mm high, stock cylinder 85 mm
So the new cylinder had to be shaved 1mm down. The holes for sleeves flanges cut deeper so the machining of cylinder did not make the sleeves thinner. Holes for 2 o-rings to head also adjusted to stock depth.
The pistons crown volumes compared, the 70mm pistons shaved to similar volume. I think 3mm was cut off.
The result exact as planned!
Healthy higher compression.
The Billet block setup used a thick RCS base gasket on dyno last year.
The thinner as used now should crank it up some.
I had to test now while the guy in the shop 2km away from my home is still working and if further adjustments should be needed. He is on overtime, 70 years old.
Shaving cylinder another 0.25 mm further should make the (squish) pistons outer area 1mm to head with thin MLS and thin RCD. But this might need adjustments on the crowns.
It work fine anyway.
I have rejetted the carbs, ready for another dyno if I can get time this week.

It ran rich on idle and up into needle area. A little lean on top. So I have reduced pilots 2 steps, increased main jets 1 size.
Fuel screws need to be adjusted to the smaller pilots. I might do that tomorrow if not raining. A ride with screw driver and adjust. I have done this some times now

I have increased 1/4 turn, maybe max 1/4 more.
So, hopefully a little bit more to squeeze out.