Just on a vacation to New Orleans and during my many nights of drunken stupors I had time to contemplate the many wonders of the real world. I read several posts of cafe builders wanting to build using Pod Filters, but many believe them to be a biitch to tune. I read one very informative post giving highly theoritcal reason as to the cause of this, which I suspect to be valid. This and the drunken stupor, lead me to think, What if you were to use the common Pod Filter but fashion a velocity shaped stack to sit inside the filter and be held in place by the flange which mounted over the carb mouth.
I could see using a thin sheet of tin fashioned into a cylinder and soldered to hold its shape. As long as the cylinder is shorter than the filter is long the air would still be drawn from the full surface of the filtering material yet the shape of the cylinder would lengthen the throat of the carb, possible increasing the size of the vacuum allowing for more appropriate fuel draw from the stock jetting.
What do you technical gurus think, should I continue to drink and save thoughts for more benefical topics like whether the waitress wants me or not?