Glad to hear you're making progress!
as for the LEDs in the tach/speedo....i might just do a resistor for those. any idea on what kind i should go for?
To figure out current-limiting resistors for bare LED's, check the following links I posted earlier:
OK, so those look like LED panel indicator lights, like you'd get at Radio Shack or at an auto parts store. You may need current-limiting resistors with those to keep from burning them out.
Check the packaging for specs like this:
"Forward Voltage"
"Forward Current (mA)"
If you see stuff like that on the package, you have bare LED's and need resistors. Use an LED calculator like THIS for single LED's, or THIS for arrays, to figure out what resistor you need.
The turn signals you posted will already have current-limiting resistors, no worries there. Perhaps in order to get things working, you might wire them up as turn-signals-only.
As far as the flasher, I'd try it with some "known-good" incandescent bulbs first, to verify if it is indeed burned out. Connect the bulb(s) to your flasher's 49D terminal, then hook + and - to the battery and see if it blinks.
Hmm, and in case you haven't heard this before, keep in mind that LED's are "polarized" that is to say they have a + side and a - side, and won't work if you hook them up backwards, unlike a bulb.
This will cause you issues with the turn signal indicator, since Honda's design feeds current one way through the bulb when the left side is blinking, and the other way for the right side. Common solutions are to use two LED's or to use a flash indicator adapter such as this one:

click memystic_1