LONG day in the garage on a beautiful Sunday in NY. The best/worst thing about my garage is that it is located on a very busy street. Lots of visitors. Lots of girls around. And lots of my friends cruising by or stopping in to say hi. I love company, but man the weather is aces and I am itching to get back on the road.
Progress report:
1. Cam chain tensioner replaced and fully functioning.
2. Cylinder head and cylinder cover gaskets replaced.
3. Forks filled and sealed.
4. Front wheel is on.
5. Back wheel loosely in place.
6. Center and side stands are on. (its up to a rolling frame now. shes on her own two feet again.)
7. The engine is sealed back up and ready to mount in the frame next chance I get.
And now...a word of advice. If your cam chain tensioner is broken and there is no other reason to get into the engine...take it to a professional. The amount of stress, confusion and labor that went into changing that part would have been much better spent elsewhere on this project. But in the end, the job is done. I just hope I didn't muck anything else up in the process. I have to admit, I am sort of petrified that maybe I've done more harm than good. Considering how many times I had to use the rubber mallet to get things to go back together I am going to be really nervous the first time I fire her up.
A funny thing happened. I put the entire cylinder case back together and realized the cam chain guide was in backwards. So I had to take it ALL apart and put it BACK again. *face-palm*
Anyways, I've got no fingernails left and I truly hope I put it all back together properly. Especially the cam shaft. The Haynes manual was a bit confusing about how the notch in the cam shaft and the cylinder head plane should line up. The picture in the book has the notch to the right and the knobs on the cam shaft in the upward position. However, when I lined up the notch to the right, the knobs where in the downward position.
So I decided to line the notch up on the other side so the knobs where in the correct position. Does that seam right?
PS thats at TDC on pistons 1 and 4.
I am going to need to find out about that for sure otherwise my timing will be off and thats the whole reason I opened my engine in the first place. Otherwise, everything else went smoothly.
Here are some photos of what I mean.
The two diagrams I was consulting:
How I decided to set it up.