The washer in the center that holds the hub in: the "cupped" side goes toward the engine.
There are 4 distinct clutch arrangements in the 750: which model do you have?
The K0-early K1 have 6/6 fiber and steel plates with a spring clip on the top, and the K0 sandcast early ones have (had) a one-sided top plate with fiber on just one side.
The K1-K3 early style had 6/6 plates with no spring clip, started with steel plate in first.
The later K3-K6 had 7/6 fiber/steel plates, fiber in first.
The F0-F1 had 6/6 plates, with a special dual steel spring plate in the center of the stack: the Haynes manual incorrectly shows this special plate as second from the top of the stack. Many of these special plates were replaced with a thicker solid plate from the Gold Wing to reduce clutch rattle when the engine was idling unevenly and the primary chains were a little worn.
The F1 late through F3/K8 had 5/6 fiber/steel with the above-noted center "dual" spring plate, but with one more special slanted-cork face fiber clutch on the top of the stack. Many of these had fiber on just one side, much like the early sandcast top plate. This slanted-cork plate was introduced to try to soften the launch torque a little to reduce the wear on the 1-2 gear dogs and shift fork.
If you install a K1-K3 clutch cover on a later bike, you may find that the stack will not let the clutch lifter work properly, as the spacing to the hub is different. So, make sure of your parts after the long disassembly.