Had a ride in an ambulance last Sunday afternoon, spent 3 days in the hospital, and now I get to recover from a heart attack. WOO HOO!
TWO weeks ago, while up on the roof to remove snow before the "blizzard" hit, I took a fall from one roof to another, about 4 to 5 feet and landed on my back/shoulders area. Not a big deal since I didn't hurt and I kept on working.
The following Monday I was in pain and came home from work early, felt like I cracked my sternum from the fall, or so I thought.
Was feeling pains all week long and attributed them to the fall.
Well last Sunday, I was clearing snow from the roof (again) that the blizzard dumped, finished that up, came in the house and turned on the tube and sat down. Almost immediately I'm having extreme pain in my sternum again...and this time it wasn't going away!!!
Told my wife I was having chest pains and she starting gathering things and getting ready to go. She came out and asked how I was doing, and I told her to call 911. It was a good thing that we called the medics because it sure sped things up at the hospital...no regestering, no waiting room, none of that crap but stream-lined care all the way to the ICU.
So boys and girls, if you have pains that "come and go" like I did, don't ignore them.
Steve F