Author Topic: H4 lights and metal bucket  (Read 565 times)

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H4 lights and metal bucket
« on: February 24, 2011, 06:38:54 PM »
So as my build has progressed I've been obliged to ditch the stock headlight bucket on my '73 750 and go with a fairly common 7" aftermarket unit:

This isn't my bike but you can see it's a bit shallower and has narrowing in the backside for easier speedo/tach cable routing.

Anyways, there is enough room for all my wiring and I don't have much concern about heat build up with the regular sealed bulb it came with. That said, I've got relays for the switches if/when I go to an H4 light but that got me thinking about actual bulb heat, the metal bucket and the tighter than stock amount of room for wiring.

I spoke to a friend who runs a Harley shop and he sells a lot of H4 bulbs for Sportsters (which have most of the wiring in the headlight as well) but have 5" sized lenses. He said the only wiring melting troubles he's seen have been with guys that have swapped out bulbs for the higher wattage bulbs.

So I'm wondering if I go to an H4 light, with my smaller metal bucket, whether I'm going to be looking at a real risk of melting wires. Maybe a ceramic socket instead of a plastic one for the bulb could help. Maybe some kind of high temp insulating material/barrier between the bulb and the wiring?

Just looking for opinions at this point.
This project started in confusion and will end in disarray.