Author Topic: 72CB500 wiring  (Read 533 times)

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Offline 1stgenxxx

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72CB500 wiring
« on: February 27, 2011, 01:19:47 PM »
I just bought a 72 CB500 and the wiring is in terrible shape. At some point in time....the switch was taken out and straight wired. There are wires dangling here and there.....and most of the ignition wires seem to be missing. There is also some voodoo going on inside the headlight housing. The wires that remain look pretty bad
I don't really feel safe reusing any of the factory wiring. The bike is going to be a simple bar hopper style bobber and I don't need gauges or turn signals.
I want to build a custom harness....I've done this in a few off road buggies but I don't have any experience with motorcycle charging systems.
It seems that I would just have to have 12v to the coils, starter solenoid, headlight/tail lamp, and brake light switch.....then figure out the charging system wiring.
Has anyone on here made their own harness? Do you have a diagram or pics?

Helpful advise?


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Re: 72CB500 wiring
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 03:23:24 PM »
Take a look at

Offline Lavis500

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Re: 72CB500 wiring
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 09:06:29 PM »
If you have the Clymer's Manual or the workshop manual, the wiring diagram is in the back of those.  You could take the necessary components from that and transpose your own schematic.  If you don't have either, I have the workshop manual and an owner's manual on PDF that you are more than welcome to.  PM me if you are interested.

Before you decide to get rid of your gauges and what not, find out if your state requires any.  There are laws in certain states that you have to have some way to monitor your speed, so make sure that you're in the clear.  Otherwise, I'm keeping an eye out for 500/550 gauges, so let me know if/when you do get rid of them!
"Whatever it is, I swear I didn't do it!"

'73 CB500 - Sally