As the energy density chart below shows, what we are getting with our Gasohol is HOSED.
Couple that with the problem that the energy to produce a gallon of Ethanol is significantly greater then the energy contained in it and we have a classic American political & corporate fleecing of the average Joe.
You get lower millage with Gasohol, have too, every time.
The ethanol absorbs and secretes H2O as its temperature and its exposure to humidity varies, in our unsealed gas tanks this problem is exacerbated.
I use Sea Foam to counteract the problem this can cause in the carburetors, Not so much on long rides, but if it just being run to the store and back I like to think the Sea Foam will reduce the varnish build up, but who knows.
If i know the bike will be parked for several days, I turn off the petcock about a mile from the house, then let the bike run out of gas in the garage, including nursing as much as I can out of the bowls by applying the choke on/off till i can't keep it running any longer.