Here are some detailed images of the situation (click for larger images)
As you can see, there is some uneven wear at the top of the flange, caused by the looseness of the assembly. I'm now looking into machining and shimming the thing, to make it nice and tight again. I'd like to hear your opnions about the following:
1. What should the clearance between the bearing retainer nut and the flange be. I'm guessing something like 0,5 mm or less. It should be just tight enough for the flange to be able to move back and forth in the direction of the wheel. This way the cush-drive will do it's job, as opposed to the nut being locked onto the flange (as i guess my previous bicycle-cog "fix" did!).
2. What about the clearance between the hub "axle" (the one that measure 78,22 mm) and the flange. I'm guessing it should be quite tight, but I can't really figure out what would be appropriate.
3. Material of shims: I'm thinking steel? I imagine aluminum being too soft? That it would wear to quickly... on the other hand, witout excess movement in the assembly, aluminum might be just fine.