The place I'm staying in is being sold and I'm going to have to move. I don't have many hours at work so affording a place is tricky. I should be getting about a 4 thousand tax refund in about 2 weeks. OK, that will help get a place.
Here's the dilemma, I might have a chance to buy a fully functional sidecar for 200 dollars. I want to justify buying the sidecar but I don't think I can
What would you do?
SUCKS!!! im going through the same thing, wife quit her job, then the owner of our house died. got till the end of the month. which isnt too bad, but moving my garage... it makes me cry a little, considering it took me a year to unpack it last time... #$%* i still have 4 or 5 boxes i havent unpacked in the 3 years.
id at least find a place before buying the sidecar, maybe beg the guy to hold onto it and give him a $50 deposit? once you find a place you can budget for toys appropriately (deposits are a MOTHA #$%*A, im looking at a $4K-$5k move in cost)
Good luck! i feel for ya....