Well i had a go at covering my seat, firstly i found an old tatty F2 seat foam which i tried to cut to shape with an electric knife ,
Then i used a new seat cover i had bought on ebay last year, this cover was totally the wrong pattern to use on my F2 , so it came in handy using it on this bike
I had all sorts of problems with covering the seat, problem 1 was that the foam was really ragged on the edges, usually it tapers off as it rides down the sides but on this seat foam it had broken up a bit, although i did try and pack it out with thin strips of foam,
Next the shape of the cover was not the same, but in yesterdays sun, the warmth allowed the cover to stretch quite well
The biggest problem was that my staple gun would not fire in to the glass fiber , i had underestimated just how hard thIs goes, so i had to stretch and stick it down, which is a very hard thing to do
All in all i am sort of happy with the out come considering how i went about making this seat, although in the back of my mind i was hoping for better
The seat is a copy of the Phil Read 750 replica seat, but i opted for slightly thicker foam for comfort and if you google search images for the phil read rep you will see the seats are pretty awfull anyway
I have only seen one good Phil read seat and i think it was another forum members bike , and it had a custom made seat cover with different colours and piping on the cover
The good thing is i can easily dismantle the seat and start again if i keep looking at it and am not happy, but at the moment it is staying as is