Welcome to the madness!!!

You said you want to "restore" that K4. Can you tell us a bit about it? Has it been a runner or has it sat in someones garage a few+ years? Makes a big difference as when these bikes sit for a while the gas turns to varnish and messes up the slow and fast jets. If you really want to have a good start on your project download the service manual from this site. Then think about rebuilding those carbs. Not a big deal with the help of the guys here. Then be sure to check that gas tank for crap in the bottom. Clean out the petcock fuel filter screen. Change the oil, filter, plugs, check plug wires, check or change the points & condensors, check timing, and check the valve clearances. Those are some basics to do to bring these bikes back to life. And we are a visual group here, so post some pics of that K4 when you get a chance. Keep us informed as to your progress.