Very inspiring. It saddens me every day how far we've moved from the "can-do" attitude that I grew up hearing about, yet never seeing fully. Maybe it was long gone before I got here 24 years ago, but then I tend to feel like I was born in the wrong time anyways. I look at my life thus far and feel disappointed that I'm not one of these guys, one of these masters, that I don't have a shop full of tools, that I haven't harnessed the creative capability that lives restlessly in the pit of my soul. The day and age in which I find myself, however, seems as if it is dictating my future, instead of my hopes and dreams taking the reigns. Hearing someone else talk about what we're losing as a society when we become complacent and content with boring, with bland, with mainstream, with conformity is very motivating, to me at least, to carry on the traditions of our American forefathers, those that sweat, bled, and died to build an identity for this great country. An identity that seems to be losing the battle to the MTV's, the iPods, the flash and glamour. Keep up the good fight gentlemen. It may be a losing battle, but we have not lost yet.
Sorry for the run-ons, just thinking out loud