Author Topic: Godzilla sightings in Daytona AND BEYOND! Local populace unfazed...  (Read 77284 times)

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Offline Rocker

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2011, 07:41:27 AM »
Thanks to the Capital Security and "smooth talkin" Adam (Rocker)...Zilla did not have to spend the night in jail.

She was just doing her job. We were parked 'illegally' on the curb in front of the SC state capital. I mean nothing wrong there right? I just killed her with kindness, posed for the pic, and we got the heck out of Dodge before we got locked up.  :)
~Rocker (aka Adam) | | SOHC/4 member #4151 | Facebook

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Offline flybox1

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2011, 07:42:30 AM »
Thanks to the Capital Security and "smooth talkin" Adam (Rocker)...Zilla did not have to spend the night in jail.
nice one Adam.
DAY TWO, and already bargaining with the LAW  ;D
I wonder what leg of the trip booking photos will come on 8)
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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2011, 08:05:03 AM »
Keep the pics and the stories coming guys. I can't wait for the next installment of "Godzilla takes over America!"

Offline myhondas

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2011, 08:50:00 AM »
Great Job so far guys, Thanks Griffin for your idea and efforts in this endeavor. EVERYONE.....RIDE SAFE and HAVE FUN !
1974 CB 750 K4 SHOWROOM
1974 CB 750 K4 IN PART-OUT PROCESS (my original bike)
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Offline bluezboy

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2011, 09:29:41 AM »
Okay, my turn to chime in. As some of you may heard, I got thrown a sh8 load of lemons on Friday afternoon when my bike decided to not work! It was too late for this non-mechanical newbie to get her fixed in time, so I had two choices, spend my weekend pissing and moaning about my bike along with the possibility of  me tagging her with the sledgehammer or  make lemonade and do the ride in my car anyways and act as the team photographer and SAG wagon. I'm glad I chose the latter, because I got to make more new, very cool friends along the way. Poor Travis, my bad luck may have jinxed him also,because his bike screwed him that morning also and he decided to hang in there an ride along with me, and believe me it's was a damn good thing he did because about 100 miles into our ride with us leading the bikes, my car blew the water pump and we had to pull over into a  a church parking lot before I fried my wife's engine!  She's still in Isarel and doesn't know yet, say a prayer for me fellows!
      At this point I'm about to have a cardiac right there but fortunately for me Travis just happens to be a mechanic, so we send the guys on their way to Sandersville, call a tow truck, Travis breaks out his tools and begins to take the water pump out while we wait for the tow truck who deposits us in the Advance Auto parking lot in Milledgeville. A few hours later and a little cussing, Super Travis has us back on the on road. We took the slab into Bluffton to make up for all of that lost time. What a first day that was.
     Then next day  was great and fun, even though me a Travis were tempted to knock those guys off of their bikes and ride for a while.  I'm glad I went, it's nice to put a face to a handle.    Also, when we got back to Atlanta, Travis took the time to look at my bike and find out what was wrong with, even though it was late and he'd been stuck in the car the entire weekend! I  hereby nominate Travis as the Hero of the Month. Make sure you guys pack your own Travis for your rides, you never know.  Here's a link to my photos, they're not in order yet, I wanted to get them up fast.Vern

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2011, 09:35:07 AM »
Vern, that was a blessing that you were driving when the pump blew-could have stranded your wife- and that Vern was along.  Good photos...Larry

Offline bluezboy

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #81 on: March 14, 2011, 09:41:06 AM »
Vern, that was a blessing that you were driving when the pump blew-could have stranded your wife- and that Vern was along.  Good photos...Larry

  Yes,  I can just hear my wife's voice right now, stranded in the middle of Atlanta rush hour traffic, on the phone with me,  yikes!

Offline MoMo

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #82 on: March 14, 2011, 09:47:21 AM »
Atlanta would  have turned into Panic City ;D. I know it would have with my wife...Larry

Offline Rocker

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #83 on: March 14, 2011, 10:07:18 AM »
Great pics Vern! I think we set the pace for more adventures to come.

Bill and I were behind you when the water pump went. I remember seeing something pouring our from the right front under your car. Bill was infront of me and I noticed he started slowing down. We were both getting sprayed with coolant. Glad it's all fixed and you were such a good sport throught it all.

I nominate Travis for World Tour MVP.
~Rocker (aka Adam) | | SOHC/4 member #4151 | Facebook

Current Bikes:                   
1975 CB750 K5 pic                 
1974 CB360T " lil' twin " Rebuild thread
1976 CB550 K2 Cafe Racer build thread
1975 CB550 K1 parts bike Parted out and cut up.         
2003 VTX 1800C

Bikes I've had:
1974 CB550 K0
1976 CB750 K6

Offline climbingaz

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #84 on: March 14, 2011, 10:21:07 AM »
Great pics and stories guys!!

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #85 on: March 14, 2011, 10:55:45 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D.....2 damn funny!!!!..... ;D ;D ;D.....constant reminder did remember to turn the petcock on?.... 8)
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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #86 on: March 14, 2011, 12:29:49 PM »

Okay, my turn to chime in. As some of you may heard, I got thrown a sh8 load of lemons on Friday afternoon when my bike decided to not work! It was too late for this non-mechanical newbie to get her fixed in time, so I had two choices, spend my weekend pissing and moaning about my bike along with the possibility of  me tagging her with the sledgehammer or  make lemonade and do the ride in my car anyways and act as the team photographer and SAG wagon. I'm glad I chose the latter, because I got to make more new, very cool friends along the way. Poor Travis, my bad luck may have jinxed him also,because his bike screwed him that morning also and he decided to hang in there an ride along with me, and believe me it's was a damn good thing he did because about 100 miles into our ride with us leading the bikes, my car blew the water pump and we had to pull over into a  a church parking lot before I fried my wife's engine!  She's still in Isarel and doesn't know yet, say a prayer for me fellows!
      At this point I'm about to have a cardiac right there but fortunately for me Travis just happens to be a mechanic, so we send the guys on their way to Sandersville, call a tow truck, Travis breaks out his tools and begins to take the water pump out while we wait for the tow truck who deposits us in the Advance Auto parking lot in Milledgeville. A few hours later and a little cussing, Super Travis has us back on the on road. We took the slab into Bluffton to make up for all of that lost time. What a first day that was.
     Then next day  was great and fun, even though me a Travis were tempted to knock those guys off of their bikes and ride for a while.  I'm glad I went, it's nice to put a face to a handle.    Also, when we got back to Atlanta, Travis took the time to look at my bike and find out what was wrong with, even though it was late and he'd been stuck in the car the entire weekend! I  hereby nominate Travis as the Hero of the Month. Make sure you guys pack your own Travis for your rides, you never know.  Here's a link to my photos, they're not in order yet, I wanted to get them up fast.Vern

That's what it's all about, ain't it Vern? Even though setbacks may occur, in the end you come out with some new found friends and, good or bad, memories that will last a lifetime. I think you made the right choice to hang in there, even if it was by car.  8) 8)
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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #87 on: March 14, 2011, 01:34:12 PM »
Bluezboy, GREAT Pics.  Thanks for deciding to go anyway.  Buy Travis a big beer.
Are you guys still planning to come over to Barber's?  It's Friday afternoon, April 15th around 4:00.  I'm going to try to get Martha to let me have a backyard cookout that night.

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Offline Cbowers

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #88 on: March 14, 2011, 01:35:58 PM »
I'm going to post up some of the photos Bluezboy took during the ride on Sunday

Offline Cbowers

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #89 on: March 14, 2011, 01:42:06 PM »
While Godzilla is hanging out in Cola town for a couple of days he decided to do some sight seeing.....

So we went into the city

Then we went to the University of South Carolina

Godzilla decided to help out these guys with some heavy lifting

But Godzilla said he had some unfinished business at the Capital......hope he is not still mad about getting run off yesterday!!

Offline myhondas

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #90 on: March 14, 2011, 01:55:16 PM »
I'm going to post up some of the photos Bluezboy took during the ride on Sunday

Man o man.....if that doesn't look like the ultimate KILLROY WAS HERE PHOTO.... ;D ;D  just missing the hands
1974 CB 750 K4 SHOWROOM
1974 CB 750 K4 IN PART-OUT PROCESS (my original bike)
1965 C100 CUB 50 (PIT BIKE)
1996 VF 750 CD daily rider
1983 VF 1100 V65 Magna in restoration process
SOHC# 5105 11228

Offline dave the welder

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #91 on: March 14, 2011, 03:08:54 PM »
you gyys be safe and have a #$%*load of fun i am enjoying the write ups and can't wait for IT to get to michigan
don't buy it build it

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #92 on: March 14, 2011, 03:40:46 PM »
How about pictures of you guys on your bikes,also!  Stay warm and hopefully I will see godzilla in Ohio!
Jim Modzelewski

Offline bluezboy

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #93 on: March 14, 2011, 04:07:59 PM »

Okay, my turn to chime in. As some of you may heard, I got thrown a sh8 load of lemons on Friday afternoon when my bike decided to not work! It was too late for this non-mechanical newbie to get her fixed in time, so I had two choices, spend my weekend pissing and moaning about my bike along with the possibility of  me tagging her with the sledgehammer or  make lemonade and do the ride in my car anyways and act as the team photographer and SAG wagon. I'm glad I chose the latter, because I got to make more new, very cool friends along the way. Poor Travis, my bad luck may have jinxed him also,because his bike screwed him that morning also and he decided to hang in there an ride along with me, and believe me it's was a damn good thing he did because about 100 miles into our ride with us leading the bikes, my car blew the water pump and we had to pull over into a  a church parking lot before I fried my wife's engine!  She's still in Isarel and doesn't know yet, say a prayer for me fellows!
      At this point I'm about to have a cardiac right there but fortunately for me Travis just happens to be a mechanic, so we send the guys on their way to Sandersville, call a tow truck, Travis breaks out his tools and begins to take the water pump out while we wait for the tow truck who deposits us in the Advance Auto parking lot in Milledgeville. A few hours later and a little cussing, Super Travis has us back on the on road. We took the slab into Bluffton to make up for all of that lost time. What a first day that was.
     Then next day  was great and fun, even though me a Travis were tempted to knock those guys off of their bikes and ride for a while.  I'm glad I went, it's nice to put a face to a handle.    Also, when we got back to Atlanta, Travis took the time to look at my bike and find out what was wrong with, even though it was late and he'd been stuck in the car the entire weekend! I  hereby nominate Travis as the Hero of the Month. Make sure you guys pack your own Travis for your rides, you never know.  Here's a link to my photos, they're not in order yet, I wanted to get them up fast.Vern

That's what it's all about, ain't it Vern? Even though setbacks may occur, in the end you come out with some new found friends and, good or bad, memories that will last a lifetime. I think you made the right choice to hang in there, even if it was by car.  8) 8)

   Amen to that Brother! I'm a firm believer in the saying, " he who has the most friends, wins" and over my 52 years on earth, I've made quite a few rel friends. Meeting all of you Honda nuts is a real pleasure and being part of this forum and an vintage Honda owner is one of those of those rare moments where I truly fit in. Thank you all for having me in the club!

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #94 on: March 14, 2011, 04:45:56 PM »
YEAH! You guys are gettin the hang of it! Experiment a little moving Godzilla up and down watching how his feet relate to the background. Most of the picts I took I would take two or three shots with Godzilla in a little different position each time then I would pick the best shot. Just the act of holding up Godzilla and snapping pictures can elicit giggles and start conversations with "innocent bystanders" where you can explain our mission and meet even more new people. It happened to me all around the speedway.

Keep the pictures coming!


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Sent from my Tandy TRS-80!

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #95 on: March 14, 2011, 04:52:17 PM »
Bluezboy, GREAT Pics.  Thanks for deciding to go anyway.  Buy Travis a big beer.
Are you guys still planning to come over to Barber's?  It's Friday afternoon, April 15th around 4:00.  I'm going to try to get Martha to let me have a backyard cookout that night.


You bet cha!  I think I might ride up to Nashville early and ride down with Godzilla still gotta talk to Ray.  Vern and Bill might also be along to.  Looking foward to next month, maybe I can work out all my gremlins by then.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 04:54:12 PM by Trav-i »
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Offline bluezboy

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #96 on: March 14, 2011, 05:01:55 PM »
Bluezboy, GREAT Pics.  Thanks for deciding to go anyway.  Buy Travis a big beer.
Are you guys still planning to come over to Barber's?  It's Friday afternoon, April 15th around 4:00.  I'm going to try to get Martha to let me have a backyard cookout that night.


 John, yes  I plan on riding over since I missed my chance on this side of Georgia.  My bike will be fixed this week, Vern

Offline Rocker

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #97 on: March 14, 2011, 05:21:00 PM »
First I thought it was cool we ate at a joint Guy Fieri ate at for Diners, Drive-in's, and Dives. Now it just got cooler because we happened to park in the same spot as his Camero. Check it out.

~Rocker (aka Adam) | | SOHC/4 member #4151 | Facebook

Current Bikes:                   
1975 CB750 K5 pic                 
1974 CB360T " lil' twin " Rebuild thread
1976 CB550 K2 Cafe Racer build thread
1975 CB550 K1 parts bike Parted out and cut up.         
2003 VTX 1800C

Bikes I've had:
1974 CB550 K0
1976 CB750 K6

Offline MidTNJasonF

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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #98 on: March 14, 2011, 06:06:35 PM »
I wonder if that rear tire would fit my 750?

it is a shame you did not get 'Zilla to stomp those things into oblivion before he headed North.
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Re: Godzilla sightings in Daytona AND BEYOND! Local populace unfazed...
« Reply #99 on: March 14, 2011, 06:09:24 PM »
Great Photos and trip reports so far guys.

Looking forward to meeting up with everyone to carry him on through Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.
1972 Honda CB450
1973 Honda CB350
1996 Suzuki GSF600N
1996 Suzuki GSF600S