Roach, I see two issues here. (please forgive me if my message is written with a "father knows best" as this is not my intent!!)
1) The BC government is getting so oppresive that pretty soon you'll be thrown in jail for farting in public hence the cc restrictions, graduated drivers license, .06 DUI, 25KPH over get arrested, 40KPH over lose your car, HST etc etc... SNAP!! I don't blame you for feeling like they are overstepping AGAIN!!
2) The 600cc bike of yesterday is NOT the same 600cc bike of today. In the 70's/80's a 750 or even a 550 could get up to highway speed quick enough but today the 600's get up to 200KPH+ (pn their rear wheel) in the same time and distance thus the concern over young men killing themselves and others with a lack of experience that only time behind the wheel can teach.
The R1's of today were "race track" quality only a couple of years ago. The speed these new machines left in the hands of an inexperienced rider/driver is a serious recipe for death. Cars, snowmobiles, quads, dirt bikes, personal watercraft and other machines of today are so much more powerful and advanced from their ancestors of only 10 years ago make anyone with little or no life experience in over their heads in a split second.
I don't know if my post sheds any light or is any help but I hope that you can find a way to accept the challenges you face. I struggle with the same challenges with police/government ant their over bearing laws and wonder about the next time I see blue and red in my mirror for going 7KPH over the limit... I must just give them a run!!!!