I asked you guys about a motorcycle specific classifieds site.
Whether you'd use one, etc.
I'm so sick of trying to find parts on craigslist. Weeding through post ofter post of stuff that has little to nothing to do with your search parameters to come up with nothing, etc.
And eBay, well, the same thing happens, or you pay for posting ads.
Just so everyone knows, the site is free, posting is free, I will never put ads up, will never give information to anyone, and will never make a dime off it (unless someone makes an offer I can't refuse for sale of the site).
You can upload 4 pics, are required to post location, the ads will stay up for 10 days before needing to be redone (I may change this to 30 days or something) and the search function is quite good.
Again, I'm not selling a service here, this is free.
The site just went up, so it doesn't have anything really, and changes will be made over the next few months, both from suggestion by you, and ones I deem necessary.
www.motoclassifieds.netI went ahead and started the idea up again. so lets see what we get.
If we get a lot of posters, and performance becomes an issue, I will get a dedicated host for the site.