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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2011, 03:55:34 PM »
Come on Mick, you really can't mean that. A punch in the face and bullying does not deserve a killing and yes, had WSPOS hit his head and died Augustus Gloop would have been charged with a minimum of manslaughter, I know this for a fact. He went way over the line of defending himself when he slammed the kid on the concrete.

Yes, I really did get bullied in junior high by some burnout punk, it never came to blows but he was a real #$%* and I just avoided him. Since then I wrestled, weightlifted, played football, rugby- most sane people would not care to #$%* with me once I got to high school.

Eh, I was a scrawny kid back then that skateboarded in the midwest, I was perfect fodder for bullies.
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2011, 04:05:10 PM »
I didn't say it deserved a killing, i said it would have been too bad if it had happened, and depending on Casey's mental state he may or may not have been charged with manslaughter. Sometimes it needs extreme measures to get a point across, not that i condone killing anyone but i don't think Casey did anything wrong at all, he defended himself after being repeatedly bullied for most of his school life, little guy can be grateful it wasn't me he was bullying, i wouldn't have been as gracious....
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2011, 05:20:14 PM »
Another thing I meant to mention last night about this BS.......the little fcuks parents wanted to bring charges on the kid that was being harrassed......those parents are probably more to blame for their jack a$$ son's actions than himself. Not saying they 100 % raised the little prick wrong!!!.....ya think???
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2011, 05:51:31 PM »
i would really like to find out what that skinny little b&tch was saying to that kid...i bet if the fat kid punched the skinny kid he would kill him
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2011, 06:38:43 PM »
mick im with you on this one i was bullied in gradeschool until one day i snapped. i went on a rampage broke a kids jaW and broke the others arm.... again(did it twice to the same arm). i did get in trouble but they got in a lot more, the one went to juvie at the time. hes servin time in big boy prison now. but ya big boy had every right to do what he did because thats the same thing i did years(ok not that long ago im not that old). ok maybe this is just the jameson talking but that was me when i was a kid.
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2011, 07:28:12 PM »
As the tallest kid in my class from first grade on up to graduation, I had to put up with a rabid chihuahua on occasion, you know, the "little guy" syndrome. I discovered early on that it didn't matter if you were defending yourself or not, the people in "higher up" positions, namely principals, teachers, superintendents, etc looked down on the larger of the two people involved because he didn't just walk away instead of pounding the "poor little kid" into the ground. Add extra punishment if the kids' parents were influential in the community.

Not liking the punishment that came, I rarely fought back, most of the time I just chose to bide my time and wait...sometimes smashing their appendages in lockers, car doors, or a geography book upside the head, I saved the kicking them in the crotch for the real #$%*s, you know: Jocks, or REAL tough kids who could kick my ass if I didn't use that tactic. The satisfaction that comes from busting a Jock's cup into pieces while he wears it, with a steel toed boot is priceless, especially if done in front of his girl friend or fan club. The reason bullying is running rampant is because people have been conditioned to just accept whatever the wannabe alphas dish out...

Unfortunately, in society, we have to suffer the consequences even if it's self defense...personally, I don't think this Casey did anything wrong. He didn't keep kicking the kid when he was down, although the bully probably deserved it. I commend the young man for not stomping the bully's worm-eaten brain out in front of the other kids.

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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2011, 07:31:41 PM »
I dunno, because he is obviously a pro wrastlin' fan he could have just put the little runt in a sleeper hold and knocked him out.

Throwing someone on their head on concrete is a bit drastic.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2011, 07:43:04 PM »
Wheres the site dedicated to the kid that dealt with a bully by reporting him to their teacher. Or the one for the parents that noticed their kid had a black eye, then turned off the TV long enough to go down to the school to make sure it was taken care of.

Ive seen some pretty terrible things happen to kids that "stood up" to a bully by fighting back. One kid is still blind in his right eye, another has a crooked nose, and another killed himself because no one stood up for him.
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2011, 08:15:48 PM »
There may have been a time when a kid reporting a bully was effective, but it doesn't result in ANYTHING being done anymore, unless the bully is a poor kid and the victim is the child of someone in a position of influence in the community. Children who report bullies are labeled as NARCs, tattle tales, and are bullied worse because the teachers don't want to hear it and won't do anything.

A couple years back, the local school system tried to have a chosen group of kids who would "patrol" the grounds and were supposed to stop the bullying, guess what? THEY became the bullies. The kids chosen for this? The children of the business owners in town, the preppie kids, and jocks in training. They were notorious for blackmailing, coercion, and basically being nothing more than a junior gestapo...

As long as there are children in schools, there will be bullying. As long as there are kids who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves it will be kept to a minimum like before the "free love 60s" and the pacifist theology that's been rammed down our throats ever since.

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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2011, 08:29:14 PM »
sounds like a cop out to me. sorry.

dont vote for the guy that cuts the school budget or send the kids to a private school.

might doesnt make right.

In Texas public schools if you participate in a fight, even if you didnt start it, both kids are sent to what amounts to a minimum security prison. Its a great way to start them being institutionalized.  ::)
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2011, 07:19:30 PM »

dont vote for the guy that cuts the school budget or send the kids to a private school.


It would be nice if things were that easy.  Most people can't afford private school, so that solution is out for them.  And just because you don't vote for somebody doesn't mean they're not going to get elected, especially if by cutting education funding they're keeping the rich, influential people happy. 

My mom, a now retired teacher for the same school district in Texas for 30 years, just got her retirement pay cut so that the rich people can keep what were supposed to be temporary tax cuts put in place by dear ol' dubbya. 

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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2011, 07:58:10 PM »
The best comment I have heard so far about this and not from here is;

"The moral of the story is "Shame on you for defending yourself""
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2011, 08:01:36 PM »

dont vote for the guy that cuts the school budget or send the kids to a private school.


It would be nice if things were that easy.  Most people can't afford private school, so that solution is out for them.  And just because you don't vote for somebody doesn't mean they're not going to get elected, especially if by cutting education funding they're keeping the rich, influential people happy. 

My mom, a now retired teacher for the same school district in Texas for 30 years, just got her retirement pay cut so that the rich people can keep what were supposed to be temporary tax cuts put in place by dear ol' dubbya. 

Arent the W cuts federal, while a teachers retirement is state?
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2011, 11:23:48 AM »
In summary, I guess suspensions were handed down on both sides and here is a story about the bully's own mother wanting her son to apologize.

My faith in humanity is restored (for now anyway)...
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2011, 01:08:05 PM »
My youngest son is disabled, but will be in mainstream schools, for a while.
He WILL, unfortunately, be picked on and bullied.
His older brother has a 'get out of jail free for life' card from Dad when it comes to standing up for and protecting his bro....even if it means dropping a kid on his head.
(but he also understands that he will have to graciously accept, with a smile, any punishment the school imposes)
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2011, 02:57:37 PM »
Here's some updates on this thing if anyones interested. There's interviews with both kids who were involved. Have to say I do find myself feeling a bit sorry for Ritchard Gale too after watching this interview as he has pretty much the whole world against him at the moment and he is just a kid, but I do still think he was in the wrong and he doesn't even realise it himself that he did anything wrong I think. It's just when you see him talking you realise how young he actually is and how big a mess these this whole thing is. Anyways I'll leave ye to make up your own minds.

Interview with Casey Heynes

Interview with Richard Gale

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 03:00:18 PM by -CB-Jamie- »
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2011, 07:40:25 PM »

The drama ensues!!!

This must be the biggest thing to hit Australia since dingoes eating babies, or Oprah eating babies down under.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2011, 07:42:20 PM »
Seems to be bigger in the US than here. Haven't heard anything in the last few days..
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Re: Bully gets absolutely PWNED
« Reply #68 on: March 26, 2011, 04:08:34 PM »
In situations like of two things is gonna happen...Either the one being taunted and bullied is eventually gonna snap and do some damage, Or They eventually snap and start bullying others to vent their anger at the situation. But there is also a chance that a combination of both may occur and said victim gets a taste of the power that bullies have over them and enjoy it thus resorting to bullying themselves. How i know this is i was once in Casey's shoes and wound up going the third way for awhile. This resulted in my expulsion from the elementary school i was in at the time due to the mixed reports. Hopefully the two kids involved in this learn from it.
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