3 days with Godzilla on the road with the 1978 CB750k .... this
bike is a back up I bought so I could have an extra frame and
motor and have a clean stocker I have another 78 750k but I
broke that motor so "the ebay bike" was the only option at this
point it had been running pretty good for a few weeks to work and
back and around town. She got new BT45 Battleaxe rubbers and
some real good love from George he gave her a chain from his
bike and got her fired up after all those years in an Ohio barn. I
took off the rest of the week after Monday for the ride.
Not really knowing how far I'd go.
Tuesday .......
comes I run around getting last minute stuff done ...I wanted to
ride north and ride with (CBgia) Joe into town but he was fast and
I wasn't so I just went to the party at Ace motorworks. It was a fun
party and a cool shop, never knew it was there.Didn't get a
chance to take Godzilla to the boobie bar and the stripper
bailed...oh well. Wensday.....................
Next day I went down to I-10 to wait for everyone
and I needed a camera. Finally, everyone gets to me(almost beer
time for me!11:30) and we head off west I-10 normaly to go to
Austin I take 290 we took some long route that took hours
it's usually 2.5 to 3 hours. Anyway we get to that gas station and
meet the Austin folks, get supplies and get out to Lago Vista set
up camp and party at the campground they had the nicest
showers ever in a campground super clean hot hot water and
marble walls big changing area. 420 day. If you sleep before
Godzilla he'll drink all your beers, that dude is an alcoholic. I had
to stay up and be funny to keep an eye on that guy drinking up all
my lonestars. I was recoving from a poop gone bad at the gas
station ... lets just say its hard to walk around a gas station
bathroom with pants pulled down and riding boots on trying to
clean myself up with wet paper towels but I got it solved , it did
get scary though ... glad no one walked in during that #$%*ty
episode. Everyone thinks its funny I warp my cell phone in
aluminum foil because I dont want to send or recieve everything
all the time. What?

well in the morning all but like 3 beers are gone Godzilla dont
text or leave beer ... We ate breakfast tacos drank OJ and got
rolling leaving Reagan and the chopper at the site. We stopped
for coffee (this hot MILF totally wanted some action her kid took
the photo out side lago donut) then hit the twisty roads they are
awesome reminded me of Vashon Island or
central Washington state back roads pretty fun pretty fun. Then
we broke off and it was just Gordon Joe and Me then just me and
Joe. The whole day before this song kept playing in my head
about "speeding my young life away" and another that goes "i
knew there was somthing strange about this ride". Now the Beast
rides atop mine. We hit the winds and the strait loooong drone.
Wind whipped the #$%* outta me. It would steal rpm/mph at every
gust making me think the bike was giving up! keeping me
listening to its suble flucuations reminding me that the bike is fine
your just paradoid roll more gas GENTLY gently you haven't rode
a long way in a while your just tripping out fear and loathing in
west texas nothingness. We stopped and ate mex in San Angelo
it was good. Way out on those strait streaches suicidal sparrows
dart out cross the road a few got within 10 yards, and at 75-80
that could be bad.
The plains have eyes type of lonesomeness out here.. now I
keep singing "they maybe from Waco or out in Lampasses but
one thing for certain they all got great asses" and thinking about
the girl waiting in Austin and how fast I could start back. We
made Big Spring in pretty good time it was towards the end of the
day we cruzed around the free park and went back down the road
to the RV/camp park they had a indoor pool and a little living
room so I went to town on the bike in my swimtrunks and flipflops
got ice/water/smokes then swam it started to sprinkle and I
thought we would have to go to the hotel but it stopped I didnt
bring a tarp for the hammock and Joe didn't have a fly cover for
the tent, so its good for us it stopped. We drank some beer and
watched hockey till the ol boy saw the beer and ice in the sink,
then I turned my saddle bag into a cooler. It still had ice the next
day! He was cool about it. But they shut TV off at 9pm. so then
back to keep and eye on the beer monster. I sat for a bit then
went to hammock for the night.

Next day we see the hand off is late so
we head north to meet him in Lamesa. We stopped at the
Wallmart (not much else around) up on the north side of
town i drank the 2 beers I still had in the saddle bag whilst we
waited. The hand off went down. Mission A-#$%*in-complished we
would have hung out more but the day slips by fast, hell I would
have gone even more west but I was ready for R&R in Austin at
this stage. Me and Joe rolled back towards Big Spring till we split
we said good bye and good luck and droned on after that I just
rolled as fast as I could to Austin somehow blasting down 71 I'd
missed the twisty roads but made it back by night fall. Shower
wash clothes went out with my girl on the bike for dinner and
spent the rest of the weekend with her in Austin seeing the stuff I
never see when I come out because I always just skate my
friends farm. It was cool I left Austin about 6pm Sunday and
drank a beer at Jimbos in Hockley @about 9pm watched the
Blackhawks beat the Canucks and then rolled those last 30
miles in to my own bed.