You've got some learning ahead of you for sure, but when I started I knew nothing, I mean nothing, about motorcycles or mechanics really.
Have a look through my CB400F rebuild thread, chances are I've had the same problem you're having, or will have, at some point.
You'd do well to purchase both the Haynes and Clymer manuals. Besides these forums, they're very handy. I would get a hold of the wiring diagram (search the forums, or in the rear of the above mentioned manuals) and trace things back.
As for this specific problem, it doesn't sound like you have power at all. From your limited description and photos, it seems like your wiring is correct. Pull the fuse cover off and make sure they're all good. Specifically your 15A main fuse. Have you got battery power? Have you got a multimeter? It'll be hard to diagnose any real electrical faults without one.
Welcome aboard.