With all due respect, do you know what an enzyme is? There are NO enzymes in motor oil, and none are created in any breakdown process, much less from motor oil. Do you know what graphite is? There is no graphite in any common motor oil that I know of. Here's how I know, graphite is black, only powdered graphite is ever used in engines simply because it would get caught in the filter if it were any larger. Powdered graphite is BLACK, it turns oil BLACK. It turns every thing it touches BLACK. When you use a pencil, it turns the paper you write on BLACK. SAME STUFF. If there were any deposits, they would be BLACK. Graphite is made of pure carbon, that's why it is BLACK, and no motor oil I have ever seen comes out of the bottle BLACK.
In AMERICA, a manufacturer may NOT specify a certain brand of product to be used on it's machine unless it PROVIDES said product. Thats what we call LAW.
Bottom line, graphite is an aftermarket lubricant ADDITIVE, rarely included in any oil, and there are no enzymes to be spoken of.
So tell me, what is an enzyme layer?
With all due respect, my expert opinion is that you fire your expert.
Don't insult my intelligence.