Once upon a time I didn't want a street motorcycle as I was afraid of getting squished; then I fell in love with a 76 Honda CB 750 SuperSport. I was content and life was good and that was the only bike I would ever need or want in my life. I would spend time fixing it up so I had something to do and I would ride it once an a while - you know out in the country where there are no cars. Then it ran and I could ride it and the short test trip around the block wound up being 4 hours of exploring the two wheeled world.
I had the bike at a garage I rent and it's in a busy part of town so I had to dodge all kinds of cars and it was hectic and chaotic and I leered at every cager I saw sure they were out to kill me. After a short while I became more comfortable with the bike and being around the cars and I started to notice the smells. Smells like someone's cooking stew... I should make stew tomorrow! Then I noticed the sights - it looked different outside a cage. I saw much more and started to take it all in. The longer I rode the more relaxed I became and the more I began to experience. I was beginning to understand...
Then came the extra parts buying... I can't have the love of my life; something that has brought me such joy, just break down - I need to make sure I have plenty of extra parts to keep her running. That's the start of the sickness... It's always a need for just a couple extra spare parts - just in case... Then you realize you're almost at the point where you have enough to build another bike - all you need is one or two extra things.
So off to Craig's List you go and start looking and you don't find those elusive things. Maybe I should buy a parts bike and then I'd have all the parts I'd ever need and then some. I could even sell some parts - well once I decided what I really need and what parts are really extra. Although with another bike I could build a cafe bike. I started to with the 76 and decided I wanted a touring bike that was relaxing and comfortable. Now I can have a bike I could make all sporty and just use it when I want to have fun...
And that brings me to the next bike. This one is a 78 Honda CB 750 SuperSport. And life is once again good and I am content with my two bikes, the only two bikes I'll ever need. One to be a touring bike and one to be a sporty bike. Who could ever want more then two bikes...
Oh and I still have almost enough parts to build another bike... All I need is a few other little things...
Oh well, off to Craig's List to pass the time... Maybe I'll even buy a parts bike so I can have plenty of parts to keep my two bikes running...