In the early 80s, in the Victor Valley area of southern CA, the San Bernadino Sheriff's Dept used helicopters a lot. There was a case where the pilot was "momentarily blinded" by a laser. The cops arrested 2 guys in their 20's, (after being roughed up a bit by the sheriffs), only to be exonerated a bit later after it came to light that the real culprits were a couple of 13 year olds. One of their dads had gotten the laser from a super-market scanner; IIRC, he was a tech on the new-fangeld things...
The story stuck in my mind, because I had been intentionally blinded twice before by SBSD spotlights while driving. The worst time happened on a dark road: an approaching car had their high beams on. As they got closer, and the lights were getting uncomfortably bright for me, I quickly flashed my brights. He dimmed his lights. Cool. As he passed by, I glanced over, only to be hit straight in the eyes by a mega-candle power spotlight from a distance of about 6 feet. No doubt about it: it was intentional.