Author Topic: CB400/4  (Read 496 times)

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Offline patlac

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« on: March 21, 2011, 08:37:13 AM »
  Well Lads I will bring you up to date on my 400/4 problem I have fitted the 750 coils and after much frustration and help from the Forum I got them wired up correctly. I could not get the bike started and you wont believe it there was no spark on any cyl. I tried lots of things checking comnnections and for power all seemed ok. I removed plugs and none were sparking If I held plug about 1/8" from head there was a spark  touch plug to Cyl head there was no spark. Just for kicks I got out a few plugs from scrap box and they all worked ok fitted them bike started ok I took it for a short run around the Block and it appeared fine. Now for a longer run Fingers crossed.  ( THe Faulty plugs had only done 5 miles when bike had original problem not reving over 400 rpm)