Put new grips on my bike the other day. Went into shed tonight to see if the contact adhesive I used has done its job. Yeh, it sure did, the throttle was stuck. FFS. I tried to pull it all apart, got the grip off (without trashing it) and as expected some of the adhesive was pushed up the grip when I slid it on, and had found its way to the end of the bar and in turn found its way under the throttle tube. Oh FFS. Now to get that tube off, well, you probably know it's not a 5min job, and I decided to cut all the zipties that were on there to keep the wiring tidy so I could slide the switch assemblies along etc. Couldn’t find my snippers to cut the zipties, so reached for the Stanley knife. Trying to balance the bars, the levers, the wires and cut through a ziptie saw me............................................in emergency at the friggin hospital. Knife slipped and nearly took off my finger, bled like a stuck pig. They cleaned it up, and it’s not real bad at all but is now bandaged, no stitches, and a tetanus shot. FFS. And it’s my clutch hand which I need to use all next weekend as I finish my assessments as a riding instructor. Anyway, it might be ok by then.

So the bike now sits in the shed with everything off and hanging, throttle still sticking, my finger all bandaged up, my pride dented and feeling like a friggin dickhead.

Thought you’d enjoy my little tale of woes. Sigh.