I'm just a tick north of Detroit. You should check out partsnmore.com, they have brand new harnesses for around 80. I've seen them at a few sites actually for under 100, good deal when you count everything in and the peace of mind a new harness gives ya. Plus no chasing down internal shorts!
Dont be intimidated at all by the wiring on these bikes, its actually really really simple. Its easier to think about it in "systems" and get a good wiring diagram then highlight each "system" individually. something like: ignition system, charging, lights . . . makes chasing things down easier and wiring everything up easier too. Oh and be aware of the two or three "mystery" wires that do nothing, like the green one under the left sidecover by the voltage regulator wiring harness and I think theres a mystery grey wire in the headlight bucket too, or maybe its a different color . . . good luck! its not too bad really
last little bit of advice . . . when you do install your new harness, take a bit of 400 grit and roll it into a little tube (gritty side out). Use this to clean the Female connections, just take the corrosion off so they're a bit shiny. Do the same to the Male connections as well as the block connections by the engine (big white plastic plug thingy) just slip the paper in and work it around best you can till its a bit shiny. Put everything back together with some dielectric grease, it'll weather proof it and you'll never have a wiring problem again or a short in wet weather either.