The last time I rode my CB750 K6 I noticed it was making an occasional random "knock" noise while idling on the side stand. I stood the bike straight up and it quit. I didn't like it but tried to imagine it wasn't serious.
I took the bike for a ride and was satisfied that the noise quit. My happiness was interrupted by more noise on the back part of my "out and back". At about 60mph the noise was much louder and serious sounding. I got back to my place and made a couple small circles and the noise became persistent. It made this loud "crack" every time I shifted into second gear now.
I told my tale to many people trying to get ideas of what was wrong. It was becoming obvious that if I wanted to ride the bike again, I'd have to split the cases. It was also apparent that my problem wasn't "garden variety".
Fast forward many months...
The cases are split and the below picture tells at least part of the story. The dog was trying real hard to engage when it probably shouldn't have. I didn't realize yet that this picture told the whole tale. One dog in the trans looked a little messed up but not near as bad as this gear hole. There were 3 or 4 "bad" gear holes this being the worst.
I now knew where the noise was coming from but why?...
Go back to the picture. The snap ring that holds the gear in place is not in the groove. The gear was "walking" toward the dog and attempting to engage while the transmission probably had something else in mind. My bike has 18K miles and the engine didn't look like it had ever been apart. My guess is that the ring was not installed properly from the factory.
I'm hoping to have my K6 ready for the Indiana portion of "the ride". Apparently it wasn't my last ride on the K6 after all.