How did it go? I usually hold the cam chain in my hand and turn the motor to make sure I have it aligned at the bottom. I have a tiny bore flashlight I use to look down there if I need to. You can do this after you have the cam in place, but with sprocket off, of course. I then turn the motor to TDC for 1 and 4 holding the chain. I measure using a degree wheel. Align the cam, put chain on sprocket starting at the exhaust side of the sprocket. Be sure to keep the exhaust side(pointing toward front of motor) of the cam chain tight while installing chain. Finally, attach sprocket to cam while still holding the front pointing part of the cam chain tight. Repeat final step adjusting sprocket chain engagement as needed to get the sprocket aligned properly. A slotted cam gear makes this easier than non-slotted, but allows for adjustment, which would be the next step.