I did a lot of reading online and closely examined my stock parts after posting this topic last night. Here's what I found. My stock headers are more beat up than I remembered them being, so I'd need "new" original headers. The parts are fairly easy to find, but if you want to do it right, there's a lot of engineering that goes into a really good set of pipes... tube length, inlet/ outlet diameters, back pressures, power bands, exhaust velocities, positive & negative exhaust pulses, and on an on and on.
At this point, I
could whip something together and make it work (to funnel the gases to the rear of the bike), but if I want to do it right (considering exhaust notes and power bands), it's going to take a lot more know how and math skills than I've got. So, until the day rolls around that I want to open that complicated can of worms, I'm most likely going to get a ready made 4-1 and call it a day.
What was I thinking?