Please excuse the "Non Honda" post but I'm in trouble.
And the non honda section is not as frequented as here.
Basically I've just sold my GS750 and the damn charging system has gone arse-up.
Same principal as the hondas.
I was getting continunity in both directions on the RR(disconnected).....therefore...bust.
Ordered and rec'd a new one (Checked... OK)
Still no charge, so checked the stator ...0.8Ohms across any three pairs (above average, but fine.?)
Checked continunity between 3 yellows and ground...clear.
Checked AC voltage across disconnected stator wires when running above 5KRPM...2.5 -3 Vac. ON ALL THREE

Removed cover and all components look as good as new...bit dark but & battery is good.
What I can't understand....all the checks above seem to be ok but the result is not good.
What other reason could there be
Help, ....have tried other sites ...but I've never got a response that hasn't vexed me more.
And I know you're all good here.