TwoTired, thank you very much(seriously, no sarcasm at all intended or implied) for the description, it really helped to clarify why they are undesirable. Now, that begs the next question, Rita being the awesome chopper she has always wanted to be, what would be the best combination of looks and function I could run that wouldn't clash with the style I am striving for? A stock airbox is out of the question due to the cosmetic consideration as well as practicality, it won't fit where it would normally sit due to the oil tank. I worry about debris intake by using velocity stacks and finding a chrome breadbox airbox is virtually impossible for a reasonable price, last one I saw on Ebay sold for almost $300 and the chrome wasn't in top shape.
On another tack, what about an internal(to the pod) sleeve with vanes to help reduce the turbulence and straighten out the airflow and guide it into the throat of the carb?
I get that a lot of people here completely decry the use of pods and consider them a mortal SOHC sin, but stock isn't what I am going for, not can I implement it anyway. With that in mind, feel free to continue thinking less of me for not going the stock airbox route, lolol.