Here I am sitting in front of my computer browsing through Craigslist for CB 750 stuff and what do I find but a set of carbs. Now, I am a realist by nature so the sparse description: "Early 70's Honda CB750 Refurb'd Carb Bank. I got a carb bank for an early cb750 ('73, I think, has the spring bar that holds on the float bowls) for a project that never went anywhere. These are in excellent shape, completely clean inside and out." got my interest but as you can see, I was woefully unprepared for just how awesome these carbs actually are. The previous owner bought them years ago for his Cafe project and had them cleaned, rebuilt and thoroughly polished. All the jets have been replaced and it looks brand spankin new in the bowls and through the throats. The slides and chokes slide smoothly. So, I Emailed the gentleman and asked for pics, which he sent over and WOW! I was floored. I sent him my phone number and asked him to call me ASAP which he did and I got directions and I drove immediately to go get them. We met up, I handed over the funds, and got my hands on the carbs.
Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, lolol. His asking price, which I didn't even haggle over, was a nice and easy $100.00
One more thing I don't have to worry about and one step closer to having every part I need for Rita!!!
More to come,
Peace and Long Rides,