Steve-o was kind enough to go by today and take a look at it. He said it looks good enough to try the swap. He can chime in if he wants. Super cool of him to do that. I really appreciate it man.
So I plan to go forward. But now I need some recommendations on what to order.
I think I have the removal of the old engine part down. Prepping the new one is where I am not so sure.
The Valve cover was not really secured, only had a couple bolts. Steve said it looks pretty good though underneath it.
1) I should do an adjustment or some sort of something to these valves right? I bought a gasket....
2) Oil, I was planning on using the mobil Delvac 1300 oil for the first time. Is this alright?
3) The pistons move freely, other than dropping some oil into the spark plug holes, anything else I should do?
I guess thats it really...
I planned on getting it buttoned up with the valve cover screws from my bike and whatever other parts it needs. I forgot to ask steve if it was missing anything, or he told me it wasnt and I forgot.
Then flushing the engine with oil somehow... not sure how yet... see if I can encourage any sediment or goop to get out through the oil screen?
Then Get it in the bike. Mix some seafoam in with the oil? let it run for a minute or two (or 5?) then drain the oil, change the filter and see what I get in the oil pan? Then what?
I've ordered a stator cover gasket, valve gasket, magnetic oil pan bolt, two filters, oil pan gasket, exhaust gaskets... I think thats it so far.