Thanks for all the support guys. I often get very frustrated and jump to conclusions. I think I have to try this other engine out. It wont be for a couple weeks before I have it though. Then finals and papers to write. I should be ready to go for the next co op at least.
I got some more information on the engine. It looks good by my foolish eye. Its clean anyway. Has stock screws in it. It has a dealer lower case (I think thats the right term) so it has been repaired at least once. But the guy that has it was able to get it to turn over without any ATF or anything. I was mistaken about the wd40 as an unstick measure, it was only for lubricant. And we all know how important lubricant is.
Several people want me to try and get it running and then sell it. Oh boy I dont want to do that. Its so much fun to learn and work on it. This other engine will be a big unknown though. I have gotten the bike looking pretty nice in my opinion. I know its the "cafe" style. But it was cheap and made it more pleasing to the eye. I'm sure there are many that have spent more time on here, but in the six months I've been around I've spent 22 days or something like that logged in. And I have barely done any work on the bike. You guys are just so fun and knowledgeable and nice. The bike has led me to the co op and other guys in the community. I've learned motorcycle people are the nicest, friendliest people Ive ever dealt with. I mean real motorcycle people, not just owners. Ugh gushy. back to masculine.
So I have a lot of time to think about everything. Take a step back. I will be here for six weeks then off to europe for 2 months. So august to think about what to do.
I need to start reading on how to prepare the new engine for putting it in the bike. If anyone has useful links I would appreciate them. I ll be reading and searching on my own, but tehre is a lot of double information on here. I was able to "preview" hondamans book for the removal process, but thats where it cuts off. If anyone wants to loan me their copy, I can pay shipping both ways.
To the question about the bigger pictures that popout, I am just linking large pictures from my drop box folder.
Sign up with this link and I get more space, do it even if you dont plan to use it. Its like photobucket but you can upload any file. Its two gigs for free and you get something like 250mb more for each referral.