I think it is nice that so many people are so concerned about other people's safety that they want the gov't to step in with mandatory helmet laws. Very considerate.
Why not take it further? It is a fact that some of the most serious injuries in car accidents are head injuries. Obviously, many lives would be saved if helmet use was mandated in cars. Why not pass a car helmet law? The answer is obvious - it would be politically impossible. Too many people worried about the helmet messing up their hairdo or making it tough to hear the other side of the conversation on their cell phone.
So why are there helmet laws for motorcyclists but not for cage drivers? Because we are a minority and an easy and convenient target for do-gooders. The fact is, every argument used to justify a mandatory helmet law can just as easily be used to justify the banning of motorcycles. Plenty of people wearing helmets are killed while riding and there are plenty of people who think no one should be allowed to do something so dangerous as riding motorcycles.
That old canard about unhelmeted and uninsured motorcyclists being a drag on society was discredited a long time ago, but it lives on.
All that being said, I wear a helmet about 99% of the time, but I believe it is nobody's business but mine, just it is none of my business if you choose to skydive, ski, rock climb, sit on your butt all day watching TV, or live on a diet of Big Macs and Cokes.
Just my $.02.