I am out of surgery now and recovering.
First of all, let me thank you for the offers for the trip up north. Especially since there was a point where I was staring at my backpack in the middle of the night thinking "I might actually have to do this to get fixed" So thank you.
The whole thing has been interesting to say the least. To sum it so far, I got angry at the wall on the 2nd. Went to the ER and they took care of the stitches, put my finger back in place and they told me to follow up with an orthopedic specialists for my broken ulna. A couple days later I went to them and they told me you need surgery to fix it. As soon as possible. They went to schedule me for the surgery and told me it would be $6000. So at that point I was a little shocked but I figured that I could sell what I could to make a down payment then make payments on the rest. Not the best but I want use of my arm for the rest of my life, so be it. Then I was told it was going to be 12000, which I had to pay before they could schedule me. With the clock ticking. So far I had paid for everything out of pocket. It had been almost two weeks, I had only pain meds for the 3 days from the ER and I was pretty much ready to take you guys up on your offer up north. Called a couple more places and they were all around 15000-22000. So I had pretty much hit a brick wall (figuratively)
I then went to the County Hospital. They did another X-ray, told me I needed surgery ASAP. Then sent me to their ortho. person. Who told me pretty much they are going to do the surgery if I had the money or not. Take a guess how much they wanted for the same $12000 (from 3 other surgery centers) $2080. I still needed to come up with half of it up front but I scraped that together.
So that's pretty much were I stand now.
Before the surgery I did manage to pull the front end off the CBR. The frame and steering neck are alright so the bike will see the road again. Just need a front end, wheel, triples, radiator and some gauges.