I've been searching for this answer for a few hours but so far I've found that to remove the head the engine has to come out. Is there a way to remove the valve cover only with the engine in frame?
I need to replace a leaking valve cover seal. I'm not sure why its leaking as it is a brand new rebuild with a new seal and I used a bunch of non-hardening gasket sealer on both sides of the gasket, but it is leaking all over the head from the cover area. I do know that when I bolted the cover on for some reason it didn't seem like the cover was sitting flush onto the head. Do these covers get warped if they are off the bike for a long time?
Also, I don't have any vent tubes hooked up. Nothing was hooked up before I tore down, and the bike was running fine with no valve cover leak. Will hooking the vent tubes up somehow prevent the valve cover leak?