Hello everyone. I have been lurking around this site for a while, and I must say, this has to be the most interesting site on the web if you love a sohc4. A couple of years ago my children left for college, and I was bored. Needing to fill the void, I pulled an old 500 four out of storage and started to build.Soon I purchased a parts bike,but it was in too good a shape to strip-so I rebuilt it and bought another one. You know ,that one was too good to strip too! Well , one lead to the next,and the next, and you get the picture. I have a choice of 5 different custom semi chopped machines that I run all summer and 4 more cafe types that I am working on now. Most of the engines are done and I'm playing with other manufacturers parts to improve handling. The latest project is a 550k being mixed with a 81 Kaw gpz 1100...seems to be working out so far. My last project started in Oct. and finished in December ,just in time for New York ice and snow. I changed out the swingarm for a ski doo track, the front wheel for a set of skis, maybe you saw it on youtube its the "snowbike 550", so you don't have to live in warm climate to ride in the winter.
There are some real talented folks on this site and it's fantastic to see what everyone is doing, most members are very informed and advise well so this must be the place to be if you eat, sleep and crap 550. And I'm happy to be here. Thanks!