Ofreen I really like your posts - great info and tried and tested. Cant ask for more than that.
One question though...how fast do you usually ride and how much do you corner? Could this be a factor in your high mileage tire wear? Just curious...I got 16,000 miles out of a set of Dunlops (K491s - no longer available) and this was riding fast and hard on all kinds of roads (Mexico trip) so curious to know if you have similar experience.
Thanks, Andy. The bike is still my daily rider, so it gets a combination of commuting and other miscellaneous riding, with commuting probably 90% of the miles. The commute has been a 25 mile round trip for the last few years. 18 of those miles is on the freeway at 65-75 mph. When I do get on a curvy road, I do my best to equalize the wear on the tires.
I ride to work year around as long as the roads are ice free. Here in southern Idaho, the temperatures range from the 100s in the summer and I'll ride down into the teens in the winter if the roads are dry. (A Windjammer makes that bearable.) So the tires see a wide range of temperatures.
I took a new job 3 weeks ago. The commute is now a 62 mile round trip, 4 days a week. It will be interesting to see how the old bike holds up. It is going to roll over 110,000 miles pretty quick.
Ofreen I really like your posts - great info and tried and tested. Cant ask for more than that.
Yup, I've thought that before too. Many opinions are presented here but those formed from experience are especially valuable. Maybe the extra mileage is a reflection of a maturing rider
Thanks, upperlake. And you are right, the mirror tells me I am getting more "mature."

But truthfully, I think the conditions the different tires have been subjected to over the years has been pretty consistant, so the comparison is valid.