So I spent about 7 hours today removing the old motor, and the upper rear bolt must have taken me an hour to remove that's how rusted it was, and putting a rebuilt one in ('78 550). I put everything back on, adjusted valves, checked compression and was hoping for a nice hum when I got shaken by a backfire with a puff of black smoke. Cranked it several more times, another backfire.
This is my first time doing this, and I thought I followed Clymer where it said to rotate the crankshaft until T 1-4 mark is aligned with the index mark.
Since there are two markings, one on the side of "1" and teh side of the "4", which one should I go by ?
I also lined up the notch in the camshaft with the surface of the cylinder but I wasn't sure if the notch was supposed face the front or the back. The notch sould be on the right side of the cyinder, above cylinder #4, is that right ?
I have a feeling I screwed up something here, didn't I ?