experience with any others except used originals which were more expensive and kinda beat. I keep 'em in a box, thinking I might sell them to someone who is willing to pay more than I did, for "the real thing". I'd rather have the better thing. I don't mess with the originals because they do feel like if you just grabbed it and yanked, like I'm prone to do, wouldn't be hard to break it. They had some repaired cracks already with some new cracks, I thought $75 wasn't a bad deal at the time since I had no idea of any other available options. SOHC4 Forums rock!! Frankie's snap right on my k2, fit tight, are flexible enough you know you won't break them, look good, look even better if you get the finned ones, check out Terry in Aus's pics of Goldie's "sister". Hopefully, one of these days, he'll get over his hostile disregard for points covers, he made some awesome ones. I get a lot of compliments on mine. I say "Git it while you can..."