Maybe it's just me but I don't tend to pick a helmet on it's looks, although I do take them into consideration. I tend to pick a decent name but the most important thing for me is weight. I broke my neck some years ago in a very severe car crash, not a major break just a minor one if you can have a minor break that is. As a result my neck aches almost constantly, sometimes more than others. I remember riding in the 70s and 80s with fibreglass helmets which were by todays standards incredibly heavy, my old Stadium Phoneix helmet was a nice helmet but damn was it heavy.
So when I was looking for a new helmet 2 years ago after finally getting back into the biking scene I tried quite a few on. I chose the lightest helmet I could, with a good name and the features I thought might help, like anti mist visors, airvents (still remember sweating like a pig in the Stadium) and finally did it look ok. Price was NOT a factor, I was a bit flush so the price was irrelevant
I ended up with a pair of Shoei X-Spirits or X-11 as it's also known, very light yet extremely strong and had everything I wanted. Got a matching pair at a good price.
I've found it an excellent helmet, visor never mists up, airvents work well in summer (you can really feel the air moving around inside the helmet) I don't find it cold in the winter at all, maybe UK winters aren't as cold.
I'm so impressed with the helmet I have just bought an X-12 or X-Spirit 2, only because it was dirt cheap in a bankrupt stock sale and it was painted in my favourite riders colour scheme (Kiyonari)
I can ride for a few hours before I need to remove the helmet to rest my neck, with a heavier helmet I could probably only go on short rides before the pain would get so severe I'd need to go home. The only way I could see to keep the weight down was to go for a helmet which incorporated the latest technology, which of course comes at a price.