Hey Sohc-ers, has anyone ever cut an aftermarket head gasket that didn't quite fit before?
I know that cutting the base gasket is fine because it's paper and doesn't hold any real pressure, but I'm a little more skeptical about the head gasket, even though the major cylinder pressure is held around the stiffer metal rings.
I had the head and block decked to make the mating surfaces are nice and flat; because this is a Vesrah head gasket, I'm not sure if I should take the chance or not, and plus there is a cam chain tensioner slot in my block that will not be be touching the gasket.
I want to cut out a path in red here, is this asking for leak-city? The green is the empty space in my cb650 block where the tensioner sits, and the gasket pictured is for a 550. The green helps to illustrate my gasketless spot that would be a gap in between my head and block...bad??
Should I just pony up the money for a $72 OEM CB650 headgasket from bikebandit? Or does anyone know where to get a cheaper aftermarket one?