The labels are to impress other people. Which says more about the labeler than the actual machine does. IMO
I refer to my bike as "my bike". Unless, I am in need of coffee, then I race to the Cafe, without addressing the bike at all. I do use appropriate names for other drivers I encounter enroute,
But, then my bikes aren't special purpose, suitable for just one style or place of riding. I can ride them anywhere and use them for many activities.
In the garage, I have an assortment of names for mine as I work on them. "@#$!%*&" is popular, and they seem to respond to it favorably.
When my wife asks me about which to ride. It's ole' Bluey, Orangie, Blackie, Brownie, etc. To which, she replies, "Oh".
...But, she isn't impressed with any of the names. She is impressed that I can make them run after neglect and abuse, and keep them running thereafter with very little cash outlay.