Some carbs or heads have different sized mounting rubbers I think?
Rotortiller, all the mounts, head mounts and airbox mounts, are the same for all sets of carbs. Airbox sides are all 39mm and the head sides are all 40mm. I tried my new carbs mounting rubbers to all three sets and they fit all three.
I actually found 2 differences, the 086A set has a different throttle return spring mounting than the other two. The 086A is the first pics, the 7A is the second. The 657B is the same as the 7A set, they both have that extra lobe the spring mounts to, the 086A set does not have the lobe and the spring is longer.
The other difference I have found is that the mating plate for the carbs is slightly different between each set. On the 086A set, the idle adjust screw is on the right when mounted to the head, the other two sets are on the left when mounted. Other than the difference in the plates and throttle arms, I don't see any other differences.