You see, when I'm an old man like Bob and I can't swing my leg over a bike, I'll be riding a scooter, and I want to think that my younger peers on bikes will afford me the same respect they would for any other 2 wheeler pilot out there.
Selfish I know, but it goes back to that ol' saying "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you". Can't remember who it was who said that, but he must have been pretty smart, as it's as valid now as it was whenever it was coined? Cheers, Terry. 
You could always tie a rope on my grab bar to your scoot and hang on

I have a friend who is now in his 90's, yes he drives but it takes him about 3 days to get going. After 3 days of wandering and forgetting why he walked into the room and just what he might have been after. Personally I would not be offended if I was required to take a reflex test or drive test in resonable intervals after 60-65 say, not that 60-65 is old because IT IS NOT. But it is a resonable starting point for when SOME of us begin to "loose it". I never had it so it wont matter

I bought a bike from a guy who was an Old Indian rider WAY back in the day, last year. He has forgotten more about vintage bikes than I will problably ever know. He has riden motorcycles that would terrify most of us as with all the levers on and old Indian working the timing and all the goods would just confuse the hell out of most of us. He bought a little KZ 440 to replace the old XS 650 (was kick start only), that damn bike near killed me just trying to get it started. Just before I was to pass out for good and slump over the bars it finally roared to life. Starting the bike would have problably killed the old guy. Now I would have to say that the guy is the best part of DEAF. HUH WAT YOU SAY. I can tell you that I would not want to share the road with this guy on two wheels. Not because he can't do it, he can - just not as well anymore and because I know him I would feel responsible to swear at, throw things, and in general menace anyone who would try to share his lane uninvited. I never see his KZ 440 move from its parking spot. I think at this point I guess the idea of a bike is keeping him young still, so to speak. Nice guy in all, I stop by once in awhile and pick his brain to learn a thing or two. This guy did not kiss the damn Blarney stone, I think he ate it.
Sometimes it is fun to stop and talk with the ones who would talk. Sometimes you are the only chance they have to tell thier glory years. But this does not mean I want to share the road with them.

Terry I'll hang out with ya when you get crazy old, but if you start to babble too much it will be time to up your drink quota

We could do like Grumpy Old Men, BUT - I GET THE FISH TRICK FIRST