That's a NOS 400! Great looking bike.
Hey guys, looks like Godzilla gets to ride a 400 in his European trip 
Trying to make sense of the godzilla thing .... tell me what needs doing and ill do it 
Well, first off most here think Godzilla is a Japanese thing BUT considering I started this and I'm a Griffin then I say Godzilla is Irish

I understand he likes the alcohol partying just as much as we Irishmen do too

Godzilla is our world traveling Relay Rally mascot. It is up to our riders to see that he is properly transported throughout the globe uninterrupted by only SOHC4 motorcycles. This gets our riders out on the road to enjoy the spirit of riding and we get to meet one another along the way. We have covered 14 of the US states so far with 36 more to go and Washington DC as well as the southern Canadian Provinces before ending up on an island in British Columbia. That takes care of our riding season so we'll send him to the boys in Australia and NZ for their riding season. From there it will be spring in Europe so Godzilla will head your way as lizards need warm climate.

We'll figure that part out later. Our largest SOHC4 rider base is in GB but there are ferries and tunnels he wants to cross to set foot and ride in as many countries as possible. Take a look at the blog on