The weather cleared out yesterday so got to test ride the ST twice. Both times a trip to the hardware store for new bolts on the CL450 I am restoring. I lowered the seat nice, feet flat on the floor. It started instantly and Idle at 1500 for a min, then drop to 1000.
It is a great machine, fast, virtually vibration free and with the smaller diameter wheels it whips left & right confidently and quickly. parking lot maneuvers are smooth and precise the top heaviness is forgotten quickly.
I rode the two lane out past the poultry farms much like I would on the K6. The difference is throttle control. Where the K6 delights in large right arm rotations, the ST would easily put one at or beyond without precise micro rotations to keep the machine within my abilities.
On the Freeway the ST is a mile gobbler. An easy chair at 80mph. I am sure it could be ridden 500 miles a day, getting 45mpg for days on end making a memorable cross country adventure. The only thing missing would be the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. (But there are two big glove boxes in which to keep Pirsig's classic on your Nook)
On top of that it is the perfect metal flake silver for the repaint on my 1969 CL450 project, even had two ladies in a white Toyota Corolla point at it and mouth "Nice Bike" at a stop light.
I might talk myself into a VFR yet.